New – $99 DIY Website or Blog!

Need a professional looking website or blog but right now your are on a very limited budget? You don’t want to hire a web designer and you don’t want to become an expert at web design; you just want to quickly build a good looking website for your business? Then maybe a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) website from WunderWebs is just the ticket for you. These days you DIY furniture, accessories, your home, why not DIY your own blog or website?

For the modest price of $99, the WebGoddess here at WunderWebs will set you up with a basic WordPress website or blog, hosted on her server, that you can simply “skin” yourself with any of the many free themes available all across the internet.

This DIY Website Design package include everything you need to create a unique and successful Web presence for your business: Domain name, builder-friendly website or blog, email addresses, CMS WordPress platform, MySQL database and more. In addition, the WebGoddess offers one free year of technical support for you to ask any specific questions about your website. Hosting is also free for the first year! Included in this package is an instruction sheet for working with WordPress and a list of websites that will help you on your DIY website-blog design journey. Interested? Contact the WebGoddess today and see if this could be the right solution for you!

Never use ALL CAPS all bold or more than one !!!

When it comes to website readability, nothing turns off a visitor quicker than the use of all caps, or too much bold, or the overuse of the exclamation point!!!!

Never, ever, ever use more than one exclamation point.

Regardless of what many people seem to believe, typing several exclamation points does not make a sentence seem any more important. Quite the contrary. Rather than conveying urgency, multiple exclamation points only scream “THIS IS LIKELY AN EXAGGERATION!”

Think about it: Do multiple exclamation points really impress you when you see them? Are you more likely to believe something because it has four blaring exclamation points at the end? Or do you have the opposite reaction? Most of us do. We are so used to desperate marketeers trying to sell us something with their exclamation marks, that when we see lots of them we sense that desperation and tend to discount what they’re saying. (more…)

Why do I get so much spam?

There are several reason why you are getting so much spam, but the main reason probably is that your email address is nekkid all over the internet. Just Google your email address and you’ll see what I mean. If you are like most people who have had their email address for a while, most likely it’s everywhere as a hot link or text. That means spam bots can easily find it and harvest it for their collection of active email addresses.

How did my email addy get nekkid?

Unfortunately, more often than you realized, you may have posted your email address in public on a web site. For example, let’s say you mention your email address in a comment you posted on someone’s blog. Spammers regularly scour the internet looking for anything that looks like an email address, and they start sending spam to it. Or perhaps you posted your email address in public on a newsgroup or forum. Many forums still display publicly whatever email address you give them. Many do not, so it’s important to know the difference.

One unintentional way is that a friend of yours may have forwarded an email of yours without removing your email address from it. I see this all the time with forwarded humor – people hit forward and then fail to take the time to remove all the email headers from the body of the message. That email frequently ends up getting forwarded to people who then scan the email body for anything that looks like an email address.

There are many more ways that spammers can get your email address; Spam is, unfortunately, inevitable.

So, what can you do?

I know it makes it difficult when you want to market your site and services all across the internet, or sign up for deals and steals, but every time you place your email address out there you are inviting spammers to come harvest it. It’s always best to try to hide your email address in a form if possible. But sometimes that simply cannot be done. While I have set up an email form for each of my clients on their Contact page, that only helps disguise it on their own website.

You can sometimes reduce the amount of spam by making sure your ISP and/or your email program has a spam filter, and that the filter is enabled. There is sometimes an added fee for this service, but if you get a lot of email, it’s well worth it.

Of course, you can always change your email address periodically. But this can be painful since all your contacts need to update their information in order to contact you.

The real answer is that there is no one answer. There is no single solution that will make spam stop without also preventing legitimate messages from getting through.

The good news!

The good news is that by following a combination of actions, you can greatly reduce the amount of spam you do receive. As the WebGoddess, my email address is all over the internet, but fortunately by using the recommendations listed below I have been able to keep my spam to a very reasonable level. Perhaps one or two a month. I can live with that.

  • Use a contact form on your website instead of a hotlink or plain text.
  • Disguise your e-mail addresses posted in public places. use the word AT and DOT in place of the @ symbol and period.
  • Carefully read privacy policies at sites asking for your e-mail address and look for opt-out choices.
  • Use multiple e-mail addresses, including ones for specific purposes such as posting to newsgroups.
  • Consider a spam filter if your Internet service provider offers one.

Of course it helps a great deal if you have an email address that isn’t gmail or yahoo or hotmail or verizon or att or wowway or, well you get the picture. Those are the email types spam bots actively seek out. If you can, buy a domain name, create an email associated with that domain, and then set it up so you can access your email either through Outlook or your favorite browser. Need help with this? Contact me and I’ll be glad to set up something for you;-)

As always,

Woo Karaoke

Woo Karaoke

Gerrie Woo has long been a repeat and loyal client to WunderWebs since the WebGoddess designed her first website back in 1997. This is the fifth project WunderWebs has done for Woo (as she prefers to be called) and as usual it was a great pleasure! The WebGoddess redesigned her website updating it to something a little more modern and clean, giving it a more professional edge while still appealing to her fun-loving audience. From there, finding a way to properly display the wide variety of content on the site in an organized fashion, while keeping it easy to navigate and clutter free was the goal. This latest design was created on a CMS platform for not only the blog section, but the home page, interior pages, photo galleries, music showcase and events calendar as well. has always been the flagship website for Woo and Friends Karaoke at the Sheraton La Jolla, featuring the incomparable Gerrie Woo, former Playboy Bunny, as host of one of the most exciting and longest running karaoke shows in San Diego. Woo, who has entertained millions around the world with her singing and dancing, brings her finely tuned sense of professionalism to the karaoke stage. Here you can Visit the Music section of the website to listen to clips from some of Woo’s songs recorded with the legendary Jack Constanzo. Music aficionados proclaim these recordings to already be jazz classics!

It’s always fun to check out the PHOTOS section where you will not only find galleries of the Woo and Friends Karaoke singers (updated weekly) but also photos of Woo’s early years as Playboy Bunny and model for world famous photographer, Peter Gowland. A favorite section is called “Karaoke Notes.” This contains articles written by Woo divulging some of the secrets of her success as an award-winning karaoke host in San Diego. Learn about her “No Nonsense Rotation” that makes her shows anything but your traditional karaoke show.

Better yet, visit Woo in person at her shows at the Sheraton La Jolla and experience what it’s like to sing with a musical legend at the controls.

The Woo Karaoke time machine of websites (absent the first one)

  • Professional website package with blog
  • Custom designed header, background and logo
  • CMS Platform with Admin Panel
  • HTML, PHP and CSS
  • Music files and player
  • Event calendar
  • Featured image slideshow
  • Visit the website.

Walk for Farm Animals

Note: This fundraising event is over. Thanks to all who made donations!

Most people don’t realize that there are no federal laws protecting farm animals from cruelty while they are housed on a farm or during transport to slaughter. There are limited protections for cows and pigs at slaughter that are inconsistently enforced and no protections for chickens or turkeys. Factory farms—which raise and slaughter billions of farm animals each year—view animals as cheap commodities rather than as individuals with their own needs and feelings. The cruelty inflicted by factory farms on these helpless animals is unconscionably brutal and would be considered a felony if cats or dogs were the victims. The donations raised help educate the public about these egregious abuses and support legislation to end them. (more…)