Domain Names, Hosting… Help!

Confused by the difference between domain name, a URL and a website? You are not alone! Many WunderWebs clients come to me not knowing a single thing about how all of this web stuff works. They just know that they want a website and find themselves befuddled by all the gobbledy gook surrounding the process of obtaining one. That’s what I’m here for. (more…)

What if I’m not in your area?

What if I’m not in your area? Can you design a sign for me?

Ah, the world wide web. It’s kind of like a cyber-world tour pass – we can go virtually anywhere, at anytime, with a good internet connection. If I’m not in your area – not a problem. Many of the websites in my portfolio were completed by working long-distance. During development you are able to see live progress and offer suggestions anytime. We can always discuss the project over the phone or by email. There are absolutely no limitations working this way. (more…)

Why I love WordPress!

The first step toward internet success is, of course, a great website. Your website must be attractive, easy to navigate, and interactive for users. At the same time, it needs to be easy for you to use on the back end, so that you can create new content, make quick changes, and interact with your clients without the headaches associated with most digital endeavors. Luckily, there is a somewhat magical solution to fit those needs – it’s called WordPress. (more…)